You don’t need to be an artist to animate. Unity has a really good tool to create some quick and easy animations, the ANIMATION and ANIMATOR components. It just requires a little of practice and maybe a tiny bit of scripting skills to maximize the results. By just adding an animator component to the object we want to animate, the program will allow us to modify almost all of its variables, such as: position in the scene, color, width, rotation… all of them according to the time frame we want.
(Transition GIF & ANIMATION component)
The BTB spinning logo we have in-between transitions is a clear example of the power this tool has to offer. Just by setting the animation time to 2 seconds, we can alter all the mentioned variables to make it rotate and scale as we please. However, the most important part from this is its ease to do such work. By clicking the red record button and moving the object around, unity will save all the changes made, thus creating the desired transition.
And it doesn’t end up here, it also allows you to control all the animations from a script! Giving the developer the power to control when the transition needs to start. Even creating events during the animation process is possible, so you have the flexibility to call custom script methods when the animation reaches a certain frame.